Gilders Fast Gold Size

New Gilders Fast Gold Size

Gilders Fast Gold Size, Gold Leaf Adhesive For Surface & Reverse Gilding Gold Leaf onto Glass, Wood and Metal. Oil Based Gold Size Adhesive in 8 oz. cans. A Fast Dry time of around 1 Hour and brushes on easily, reaching tack quickly and stays open(tack-sticky) longer for additional application time and burnishing for excellent results. Gilders Quick Dry Gold Size is the perfect product for that rush job because it's ready like a fast size, but it's unique blend offers a shining glow that matches Commercial Medium-Set Gold size that take 2-3 hours longer to set up. The Results are a fast gold size with extended "Open Time" and the glow of medium set oil gold size. Set-up and dry times can vary based on temperatures and Humidity. If it's Cold, it will take longer for the gold size to set-up, likewise if it's Hot out, the gold size will set up Quickly. As always you should try out and test these materials before offering commercially for sale. 

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Tags: Gilders Fast Gold Size, fast gold size leaf adhesive, gold-leaf size, gold leaf adhesive, oil gold-sizing, oil-size, surface-gilding, oil-gild, oil-gilding, reversed glass signs, glass gilding, vehicle gold-leaf